St. Croix Sensory earned ISO 9001: 2015 Certification

St. Croix Sensory is now ISO 9001:2015 Certified!

ISO refers to International Organization for Standardization, which develops and publishes International Standards. ISO standards are in place to ensure consistency in our global marketplace. Each certification has separate standards and criteria and is classified numerically.

ISO 9000 is a quality management standard that presents guidelines intended to increase business efficiency and customer satisfaction. The goal of ISO 9000 is to embed a quality management system within an organization, increasing productivity, reducing unnecessary costs, and ensuring quality of processes and products.

Our ISO 9001:2015 certification encompass the “Design, Manufacturing, and Service of Sensory Testing Products”. 

“We are proud to provide our clients with the results of our audit by Perry Johnson Registrars.  Their thorough review of St. Croix Sensory provides confidence in the completeness of our quality management system as well as specific manufacturing procedures.”
– Charles McGinley,  St. Croix Sensory Technical Director

For St. Croix Sensory, this certification covers the Nasal Ranger and all other products and services, thereof.

Perry Johnson Registrars, Inc. audited and granted the ISO certification in May 2020 after St. Croix Sensory met all of the requirements for ISO 9001:2015.  This certification will include continual internal reviews as well as an annual third-party audit.

ISO 9001 certification joins St. Croix Sensory’s long standing accreditation to ISO/IEC  17025 for “Environmental Testing”.